Basic Health Check-up at Health Love Event

basic health check up at health love event - Dubai London Hospital

Ensuring the health and well-being of our community is of the utmost importance. One way to achieve this is through regular health screenings that can help identify health conditions and illnesses at an early stage. By encouraging people to take care of their health and providing quality care, we can promote a healthier community.

Dubai London Hospital organised a basic health checkup in association with Tishtash Health Love held at the Times Square Center, such as a blood pressure check, blood sugar test, and BMI check.

Health Love by Tishtash is a full day of empowering activations, talks, and health screenings to champion and raise awareness around women’s health. The aim is to do something with true meaning in the community and with women at its core to really make a difference.

As part of our mission to provide comprehensive healthcare services, we took this opportunity to introduce our hospital and our compassionate approach to patient care. We emphasized the importance of early detection and prevention as key factors in leading healthier lives.