
Find the Best Oncologist in Dubai at Dubai London Hospital

Cancer doesn’t have to be a frightening experience when you receive the right medical guidance and care at the Dubai London Hospital. We can pair you with the best oncologist in Dubai to handle your case, ensuring you receive the very best treatment possible.

Patient-centred care from Dubai’s leading oncology department

Dubai London Hospital has one of the best oncology departments in Dubai, with medical oncology specialists able to treat all forms of cancer at all stages of the condition, from early detection to the development of illness, and – when necessary – make the patient journey as comfortable and easy as possible for both patients and their families.

We take pride in our excellent patient outcomes and our facility’s integration of the most cutting-edge medical technology and advanced diagnostic tools, along with the medical expertise to ensure you receive the best care possible throughout your time with us.

Our specialisations

We employ only the most well-qualified and experienced oncology experts, those who have set the standards when it comes to cancer detection and treatment.

Among our many specialties is early screening for a variety of cancers, including:

  • Breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Uterine cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Oesophageal cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Head and neck cancers
  • Liver cancer

The earlier a cancer is detected, the better the prognosis for the patient, which is why we place so much emphasis on early detection and preventative lifestyle choices. Once cancer has been confirmed, we are then able to provide a bespoke treatment plan that will involve multi-disciplinary support to ensure you receive the appropriate care from the very best people.

Supporting patients and their families

Cancer can be such a momentous diagnosis, and it’s not only the patient who can be affected by the news. As well as providing our patients with the best possible support and care, we also ensure that their families receive ongoing support as they come to terms with and adapt to a cancer diagnosis in their loved one. As patients are often reliant on the emotional and physical support of their families, we believe it’s important that everyone around the patient is made to feel cared for at every stage of the journey.

As well as employing some of the best oncologists in Dubai, we also have dedicated nurses, care assistants, and therapists on hand to assist in our cancer care services. Between them, they form a protective network around a patient and their loved ones to make sure that everyone feels cared for and can turn to us for advice and help during those difficult phases in the treatment journey.

Why choose Dubai London Hospital?

Dubai London Hospital has one of the best medical oncology support systems to be found anywhere in the region, with highly qualified and skilled professionals working with us as part of our expert team. From initial diagnosis to successful treatment, we ensure you are well-cared for every step of the way.

We make sure you are under the guidance of the best oncologist in Dubai for your particular form of cancer. For more information on our Oncology Department or to book an appointment, simply get in touch today.

Department of oncology in Dubai London Hospital